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Oct 14, 2022

Aducanumab (brand name Aduhelm) drew headlines when it was approved by the FDA in 2021 against the recommendations of the FDA advisory committee. Today it's almost commercially dead. On this episode are joined by P4 student Ise Brockmann to dive into aducanumab's story.



Apr 21, 2022

Capping patient out-of-pocket costs for insulin has been a popular move for legislators, most recently by the US House. On this episode we weigh the Pros, Cons, and viral reactions to this move including lowering vs. shifting costs, ADA guidelines, and political theater.



Sep 27, 2021

After explaining a HORRENDOUS mistake made recently by the NABP and the oversight of NAPLEX testing that affected one of our own, we decided it's high time we dove into the controversy around the use of ivermectin against COVID-19. Social media and mainstream news can be confusing, so we tried to summarize while...

Aug 11, 2021

On this episode we were blessed to have on Kyle McCormick, owner/operator of Blueberry Pharmacy, to explain his unique (but traditionally familiar) business model. Blueberry operates on a cost-plus model and DOES NOT ACCEPT INSURANCE. Crazy? Maybe not. Kyle explains why he thinks we need different payment systems...

Jul 6, 2021

The Twittersphere recently noticed that quoted savings on Amazon Pharmacy are a little bit unrealistic. On this episode we break down how a pharmacy's "Usual & Customary" price SHOULD be calculated, what it is used for, and what Amazon's crazy numbers say about their pharmacy business model.
